Starting Tomorrow: "The Art Historical Image in the Digital Age"
Piazza della Santissima Annunziata, subject of my long-ago MA thesis, still looking pretty darn good.
I’ve arrived in Florence where tomorrow, along with a diverse group of students and under the direction of David Ogawa (Union College) and Emily Pugh (Getty Research Institute), we dive into the complex world of the image in contemporary art history. We are being hosted by the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut (KHI), where I have never had the privilege to work.
I’m already feeling my brain supercharging after preparing the readings and am excited to learn from all and to rethink my own work past, present, and future. Thank you to the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the KHI, and our fearless leaders for making this opportunity possible.